Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Us!!

I can hardly believe Brian and I have been married for a year now. We have accomplished so much in one year and it's been a whirlwind. I love Brian for so many reasons (all of which I will not be listing in this blog post. Sorry...gotta keep some things between he and I). When I was single and looking for a potential spouse I remember telling my friends that it was very important that I marry someone that makes me say to myself, "I can't believe he chose me!" I thought that a year ago when we were married for time and eternity and I still think it now. I can't believe Brian Jay McEwen chose this girl to be is wife! I am reminded everyday how lucky I am just being around him and sharing our life together. I'm still madly in love and it only gets better everyday. If you're reading this Brian, I love SO much more than a blog post or words can express. I'm loving everyday with you and looking forward to eternity. XOXOXO (I hope this didn't make anyone mildly sick to read). Happy Anniversary Babe!!


  1. I can't believe it's been a year already! Time is going by way too fast! You are such a nice/sweet wife :) I'm sure Brian thinks he can't believe you picked him as well :) Love ya adge!

  2. Already a year?! Wasnt it the best year of your life? I loved our first year of marriage. So fun!
