Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pregnancy Update

Pregnancy up to this point has been a breeze. Aside from a few normal and expected side effects(exhaustion, cravings, etc...), it's been a very comfortable pregnancy...until now! We're heading into our 38th week and I think my belly has doubled in size in the past two weeks. Just when I thought the baby couldn't feel any bigger, it seems she has grown and is taking up more room in my body. I went to the doctor and the baby is already head down. I'm dialated to a 1 and 50% efaced. I have been having some "Braxton Hicks" contractions. The doctor said those could go on for a while or could quickly move into real contractions. There is no telling how fast or slow this will happen. My feet are swollen and none of my shoes except for sandals fit. Not ideal for Utah winter weather. During the night my arms go completely numb and I wake up at least 3-5 times having to walk around and shake some blood back into my arms. Poor Brian is suffering from my lack of sleep too because when I wake up, he wakes up. Poor guy! It seems the baby does not want me to sleep at all because every time I start to get sleepy, my arms or hands go numb and throb. It is the weirdest thing! My doctor gave me some hand braces to wear at night and they seem to be helping. Brian also set up our pillows so I can sleep propped up because my arms dont get as numb when i'm upright. Brian and I are so excited that the baby is coming soon and we've kicked our preparations into high gear. We packed out hospital bag, got our car seat installed, cleaned and prepared the babies room, and Brian is trying to finish our glider restoration project on time. Brian thinks i'm nesting but I think i'm just normally this crazy. I am done working before the baby comes and the doctor said I should take every opportunity to rest and sleep in the next few weeks. Will do Doc! Next on the list of "to-do's" is find a name for this kid. Yesterday seemed like a turning point for us and we're really anticipating the arrival of our baby girl! Now, it's just a waiting game.


  1. AHHH!!! I know how you feel! Taber and I weren't able to go anywhere for Christmas as well! I was a little disappointed, but then I realized it would be the one and only Christmas that we would have just us for a really long time. I know what you mean about the waiting game! I'm right there with you, waking up every hour and a half to change sides, but luckily it doesn't seem to phase Taber(we'll see if that lasts once Gwenivere is here). The baby has dropped, but that doesn't mean much for a first time mom. So wait and see is the game for me. Anyway, I enjoyed reading your update and I would really like to get together with you sometime, but at this point, it might be after our little ones are here!

  2. Sorry about your swollen feet and hands. I luckily didn't deal with that too bad. Just had asthma attacks out of nowhere that would last for a couple hours. (scary!)I hope you are able to get as much rest possible. Even just lounging around and not doing much is good resting. Please let me know if you ever need anything or want to borrow anything for the baby.

  3. Yay!! Cant wait to see that little girls face! Good luck with everything :)
