Saturday, October 2, 2010

So... We're bloggers now.

I've been avoiding starting blog for a really long time now. I don't know what it is about blogging that turns me off. I think adding the task of blogging to my list of to-do's overwhelms me a bit. I spend too much time on the computer as is and don't want blogging to distract from the more important things in my life. However, I do love reading my friends and families blogs and though I can't live near you all, it makes me feel like I am a tiny part of your lives. Brian and I have had the opportunity to do some really cool things since getting married and i've decided that by sharing them with all of you, maybe you will feel like you are part of our lives too. Alright, enough of that.
Since Brian and I have been married(7 months), we have lived in Los Angeles, Cedar City, Alaska, and Provo. We've gone on The Price is Right, climbed on a glacier, mushed with sled dogs, whale watched, seen MANY bears, and done a bunch of other crazy things all at Brian's request;). I don't know how he talks this wimpy girl into doing these things but he is very cute and persuasive so I bend easily. What a summer!!
We are now living in Provo, Utah where Brian will be attending school. It's a good thing we sowed out wild oats this summer because we also found out that we're going to be parents! We're expecting our first baby in January and we can't wait till SHE gets here. That's right, we're having a GIRL. Yay! In the mean time, we're busy working and and preparing for the baby's arrival. Brian is the opening manager at Kneaders and I am working at Roberts Craft Store. We've been so blessed to have jobs, awesome family and friends, and a comfortable place to live. Life is beautiful and Brian and are lucky enough to share it with each other.
Hopefully we can share the fun things going on in our lives and it will be exciting enough to read about...maybe.


  1. Welcome to the Blog World!! Feel free to look at ours! So excited you are having a Girl!! They are the best and most fun!

  2. Cute blog, Adriana! Keen and I are excited to read about you and Brian's adventures. Another congratulations on the baby. What an exciting winter for you two!

  3. I'd love to keep tabs on you! All my memories of you at Raintree are how kind and considerate you were to me and others. I'm excited for this new phase of life you are in!

  4. Yay!!! Blogging will become addicting I promise you. I don't post a lot but I love reading about my friends and family :) I'm excited to be a tiny part in your life :)

  5. How exciting! You have joined the dark side.:) Congrats on the new adventure. Can't wait to get to be a part of your life. Congrats on the soon to come baby.

  6. Way exciting! You guys have done SO much! I am so excited you are in Provo and sad that we are now not, but hopefully we still get to see you when we come to visit!

  7. Yea for being employed! I'm glad things are going well. Now post some pictures!

  8. I'm so happy for you Adri. I'm so excited for you to be a mom and having a girl! Hope we can catch up one day.
